Dr. Vishnu Nmboodiri K and his wife Dr. Usha Antharjam will adorn the position of Yajamana and Pathanadi of the yaga. Dr.Vishnu Namboodiri, Kombankulam Illam, is a Sanskrist scholar and Director of Payyannur regional centre, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit.

Last spring (May 2nd and 3rd, 2022, Vaisakham Akshayatritiya), Vishnun Namboothiri-Usha couple performed Agnyadhana and became Agnihotris. Since then they were commendably punctual in performing daily Agnihotra and bi-monthly Darshapurna Maseshti. Now It is decided to perform Agnishtoma Soma Yagam in the coming spring season with the help and support of each and every one like you.
Brahmasree Vishnu Agnihotri’s Nityagnihotranusthana will complete 360 days on April 27, 2023. According to the Brahmin verse “Samvathsare Paryagata etabhirevopasadayeth”, 361 days Agnihotra requires Vyahati Sadana. Accordingly Agnihotra with Vyahati Sadana will be held on April 28, Prayashchitta Pasu on 29th and Agnishtoma Soma Yagam from 30th April to May 5th.